The Left is Bat Shit Crazy!

   During the State of the Union address, after much prompting, President Biden finally mentioned the name of the young nursing student brutally murdered by an illegal alien while jogging. Well, he attempted to say her name but, like most of the things he attempts, failed when he called her “Lincoln” instead of Laken Riley.

   In his speech, he minimized the impact of her death by stating that “thousands have died by illegals!” as if this makes her needless death any easier to bear for her friends and family. Somehow, the president thinks that because countless have been killed by people who are here illegally, Ms. Riley’s death is not a big deal.

   In the aftermath of his “shouting at the clouds” speech, the democrats were upset because he called this murderer an illegal instead of, as Nancy Pelosi stated, an undocumented person. The democrats and other progressives are more concerned with pronouns than the safety and welfare of citizens they are elected to represent.

I can live with that if the left can live with calling those who protested on January 6th “undocumented visitors”, after all, it IS the peoples’ house. Far from being insurrectionists, these misguided protesters were unaware of the plan to use their actions as a means to further the goals of the ruling power.

   Joe Biden caved to his bat shit crazy base by apologizing, not to the family of Laken for his reticence in even acknowledging her murder, but to this illegal who murdered her. I suppose he will use the left’s latest term for these parasites and call him a “newcomer” in search of a “better life”. The democratic party is filled with these deranged people who place the needs of lawbreakers and fringe radicals above that of law-abiding citizens.

   The next election will tell whether the Black community is starting to realize that being predictable, in this case, voting for the same democrats each cycle, relegates them to third, or even fourth-class citizens. The democrats can count on roughly 90 percent of Black voters to vote the same way regardless of how insignificant the party regards them. Perhaps they will realize it is never too late to surprise those who think they are their slaves…and, yes, pun intended.

   In my upcoming book, I will delve deeper into the great gulf that separates those of us who can still think rationally, and those who truly have gone bat shit crazy!

   More to come.

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