Well, You Gotta Start Somewhere

This past week the story that the mainstream media (MSM) wanted you to see was that the FBI informant who brought forth allegations of corruption by Joe Biden, had been accused of criminally lying to the FBI. Information pertaining to the bribes that Joe and Hunter were accused of taking from a Ukranian energy company, Burisma while Hunter was a paid board member there, was provided in part, by Russian Intelligence. CNN posted a story and even drew comparisons with another FBI informant who was never prosecuted for his falsification of evidence.

It seems there are two standards of justice in America today. Does this information about Smirnov diminish the other evidence of the alleged corruption of the Biden family? Does the information coming from Russian intelligence make it false? The answer to each of these questions is a resounding: No.

We need to take a rational approach as to why a lifelong public servant and his family need multiple shell companies that are in the business of doing nothing but cleaning money. Joe Biden is a multi-millionaire from a less than $200,000 a year salary all of his life! Not many “Middle-class” Joes, pun intended, are able to afford two homes in Delaware.

Although not always, but most often, shell companies are used for the purpose of obfuscating business dealings to make investigation of transactions more daunting. Money laundering, hiding assets, keeping beneficiaries of shady business deals sheltered from authorities, these are reasons for shell companies.

Joe Biden’s caretakers, Jamie Raskin for one, say there is no evidence for impeachment and the inquiry should be dropped. This same individual, along with his democrat colleagues, spent millions of tax payer dollars investigating the Trump family and ultimately impeaching him, not once, but twice. The democrats lowered the bar for impeachment to the point that every sitting president, going forward, will face impeachment if the House of Representatives is controlled by the opposing party until this country falls apart.

Smirnov’s evidence is far from the only evidence against Biden and his family. Biden has been caught lying about his involvement in his son’s business dealings which should come as no surprise. If Joe Biden’s lips are moving that is an indication of one or two things: he’s lying or he is plagiarizing.

Joe Biden and his family are the epitome of corruption and deceit. His entire career is made up of lies. His character has to be questioned when you see how low he sinks with his family. His and Jill Biden’s story of their relationship differs from that of her first husband, who claims an affair between Joe and Jill caused the dissolution of his and Jill’s marriage. An article in National File reads in part: “Multiple inside political sources in Delaware who were active during the 1970’s told NATIONAL FILE that Joe Biden began his affair with Jill as early as 1974, when she was still known as Jill Stevenson, confirming Bill Stevenson’s version of events.

Hunter and his brother Beau’s widow, Hallie, had a sexual relationship after his death. Joe and Jill approved: “We are all lucky that Hunter and Hallie found each other as they were putting their lives together again after such sadness,” Biden said in a statement, according to the New York Post‘s Page Six. “They have mine and Jill’s full and complete support and we are happy for them.”.

The Biden family also has trouble keeping up with things. Joe can’t remember that he has classified documents all around his home, Hunter can’t remember where he left his laptop, and Ashley lost her diary which had the following interesting entry: In the diary, the president’s daughter wrote that “showers w/ my dad (probably not appropriate)” might have played a role in her sex addiction as an adult, as well as being “hyper-sexualized [at] a young age”

Of course, there is a perfectly reasonable explanation to all of this if you ask any democrat. Trump should be locked away for life but Joe, who is guilty of possessing classified documents, and disseminating information they contained to people who were not cleared to possess that information, is too fragile to be charged.

More to come.

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