Birds Of A Feather…

There is an old saying that , “…a man is known by the company he keeps…” but few know its origin. The expression a man is known by the company he keeps comes from a fable written by Aesop in the 500’s B.C. titled The Ass and his Purchaser. In it, a farmer takes an ass to his farm on a trial basis and, as the man turns the animal out to pasture with his other stock, the ass proceeds to find the laziest, greediest animal the farmer owns to keep company with. The farmer returns the animal knowing, due to the ass choosing which animal to spend time with, it would become lazy and greedy as well.

This brings me to the Democrat Party and those who are contemplating voting for them in the November elections. You will be known by the company you keep. This party is the party of extremes, from transgender mutilation to violent lawlessness on our streets the Democrats only wish to destroy America to enable them to “Build Back Better”. They are determined to remove our nation’s history, from the destruction of our monuments to the republic our founding fathers created, to be replaced with the freakshow they have embraced.

Palestinian-Americans and their supporters march as the conflict between Israel and the Palestinian militant group Hamas continues, in downtown Chicago, U.S., October 8, 2023. REUTERS/Eric Cox

Are these the people you wish to align with?

The Democrat masses seem fine with the coup performed by the party leaders and their mainstream propaganda press. It doesn’t matter that over 14 million votes were cast, in a party-rigged primary season, for Joe Biden and not one for Kamala Harris who was woefully inadequate to lead her party just over a month ago but is now the savior of democracy. With the Democrats, it isn’t about following the rules but only about winning and control regardless of the collateral damage. Hey, you have to break a few eggs…

The Democrat party, while espousing to rescue democracy, have destroyed it in one election cycle. They disenfranchised THEIR constituents and installed a leftist fool in an effort to remain in power. Kamala Harris is an extreme leftist who wishes to bring down America in the name of equity. She truly believes it is right to steal from people, who she feels have benefitted from privilege, in order to achieve equity outcomes.

Independents and moderates need to honestly assess the democratic candidates this election cycle and not be fooled into thinking these extremists are in any way moderates.

More to come…

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