The Democrat Party is Attempting a Coup

Leave it to the Democrat Party to make a circus out of the political process with no help from Republicans or Independents. No, this charade was all their doing. First, they rigged the primary contest so only Joe Biden was a viable nominee. Then, when it was obvious that the sock puppet couldn’t win the general election, the leaders of the Democrat Party performed a bloodless coup to force Biden out and, without receiving one vote in the primary election, are determined to install Kamala Harris as their nominee.

The Democrat Party, along with their complicit, lying, media are determined to win this election regardless of how much they are required to cheat. Winning is the only thing that matters to them. The same liars who told you that “Empty Suit” Joe Biden was, in their words, “Sharp as a tack”, “top of his game”, “even better than he has ever been” and on and on are now telling you that Harris is a moderate

Touting themselves as defenders of democracy, as they cast those on the right as the enemy, they removed the will of their parties’ voters when they tossed out over 14 million votes cast for Biden and will replace him with the candidate the party chooses. These are the people who claim to be the saviors of our democratic way of life but their party harbors those who hate the very freedom that defines America. You can’t be happy with the way things are if you are constantly affirming your intension to “Transform America”. It is no wonder the Democrat Party hates MAGA, which could very well mean “Make Americans’ Groceries Affordable” after the economic disaster the Biden-Harris administration has orchestrated on this nation’s citizens., a supposedly non-partisan site, has removed the report card showing Harris as the most liberal senator in 2019. Remember, avowed socialist senator Bernie Sanders was in that list but couldn’t beat Kamala Harris and her unhinged record for most liberal. This just shows you how the media will lie and distort the facts to favor “their candidate”.

After over three years of Harris being in charge of the border, the very same news outlets that used the term, “border czar” in reporting how secure our southern border has been under Biden-Harris, are now reporting, in unison, she was never the border czar and blaming Republicans for the misinformation.

George Orwell wrote, in his book “1984”, in part, “If there is hope, it lies in the proles.”… Orwell’s definition of “proles” was the working-class or lower-class citizens… basically, the common people. On November 5th, if you value your freedom, forget the lies the Democrats and their media will inundate you with in the next hundred days and vote this administration and all incumbents out of office.

More to come…

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