Why Biden could win the 2024 Election

Polls are for suckers. The polls have been wrong more often than not in the past several election cycles. Votes win elections, not polls, and votes cost money. Votes take organization and a willingness to win at all costs. The democrats learned their lesson in 2016 and have vowed to never allow that to happen again.

The polls showed a Sunami, or Red Wave, that became an old man leak that no one in their right mind would call a trickle, when the votes were tallied in 2022. How do republicans continue to lose at the ballot box when the polls, leading up to election day, show them ahead, sometimes comfortably so?

It’s the ground game, stupid! After the 2016 election, democrats started using legal loopholes and maximizing efforts to “get out the vote!”, targeted in their quest to get out the “right” vote to benefit them and ensure election victories.

Their methods include voter registration and mobilization campaigns by so-called nonpartisan charities that target heavily democrat areas using demographic data. The fraud is the system and the methods used in the voting process that make election integrity impossible to guarantee.

The “plandemic” made possible new election laws that would have never been permitted barring the forced lockdowns during the 2020 election. Effort was made to make voting laughably easy with no thought of verifying the lawful requirements for casting a vote. Nothing has changed so mass mailing of ballots, ballot harvesting, no verification of who actually completed the ballot, and no means of verifying the accuracy of voting machines will make this election prone to being rigged too.

Less than two months after Biden took office, on March 7, 2021, he issued the Promoting Access to Voting EO14019. This Executive Order directs Federal agencies, over 600 of them, to provide ways to engage those groups deemed under-represented in the democratic process. Of course this EO features a preamble to the policy proclaiming how “Black voters and other voters of color have faced discriminatory policies and other obstacles that disproportionally affect their communities…”. So much for “President Unity”!

These federal agencies, with targeted use of taxpayer funds, resources and reach, in collaboration with non-profit organizations to increase favored voter turnout have tilted the scales for the left. The NAACP and UnidosUS (National Council of Raza) are beneficiaries of taxpayer funded grants. Targeted areas for the “get out the vote” mobilization don’t include NASCAR, PRCA events, gun shows, or Civil War Reenactments.

With the deck stacked against Trump, from charges cooked up by the left to the current election laws and process, it could be game over for the Republicans this November. Leave a comment explaining why you feel differently below.

More to come…

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  1. Pingback: The Dems WILL CHEAT…Will It Be Enough? | GovCov.com

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