The propaganda machine of the mainstream press is going into overdrive in an attempt to terrorize the public against voting for Trump in the upcoming election. Gone are the “joy” and “good vibes” of Kamala Harris’ camp, and replacing them is the absurd fear of Trump throwing people, who disagree with his policies, in jail.
There are even those, such as the cows on The View, who claim that Trump will use the military on American citizens. These incendiary remarks, along with calling Trump “Hitler”, “Stalin”, and “Mussolini”, are designed to push someone mentally unstable over the edge in an effort to eliminate the former president through assassination.
The villainous Hillary Clinton voiced many of the same concerns during the 2016 presidential election season coupled with a collusive mainstream press. The same tired stories were floated by “economists”, such as Moody’s, of rampant inflation, endless wars, and a destruction of our very way of life. President Trump started no wars, inflation was roughly one third of what Biden-Harris have inflicted on our nation, and democracy was much more secure during the Trump presidency than it is under the tyrannical regime we are currently subjected to.
Trump is not a threat to democracy, but the current administration is. If Harris is elected, our constitutional republic will probably not survive. She has attacked our 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 8th and 10th amendments to the Constitution in an effort to remove any opposition to the Democrat party’s goal of uni-party rule.
The Democrat party is the enemy of democracy and the free expression of ideas. They are only inclusive to those who adhere to the same ideals as they espouse. There is no room for dissenters or even free thinkers in the Democrat party, just ask RFK Jr. or Tulsi Gabbard. The goal of the Democrat party is to destroy the America envisioned by the founding fathers and create a nation with no middle class, one party rule, and an all-powerful government that permeates every area of it’s subjects’ lives, as there will be no such thing as citizens.
On September 27th of this year, the Dept. of Defense issued a directive expanding the role of our military domestically. The updated DoD Directive 5240.01 outlines broader military powers, including lethal force, in domestic law enforcement contexts. This is under the Biden-Harris administration that our military has been granted the authority to engage in domestic law enforcement and yet, the Democrats proclaim that Trump will use our military domestically. This is projection at its finest!
More to come…