
There is something very suspicious about this election. Namely, how does a person with less than 3 percent of Democrats’ support the last time she actually ran for the presidency, all of a sudden, find half the country supporting her when the Democrat Party disenfranchised their primary voters to install her as the nominee? Kamala was forced to leave the last election in December of 2019, before the first primary ballots were cast, due to her miserable support among voters. Delusional!

The Democrats staged a coup to remove the elected nominee, and the media is covering for Harris, in an effort to defeat Trump and remain in power. This election cycle the Democrats are guilty of the most undemocratic process in the history of our nation, all while attempting to rid the world of Donald Trump to save democracy. Delusional!

The Democrats will tell you that the infant mortality rate in Texas has skyrocketed since Roe v Wade was overturned. What they won’t tell you is that there are many less Texas infants who die today, when the more than 50,000 aborted babies are factored in. Plan B complications due to the FDA removing a required doctor visit before the administration of the abortion pill have accounted for more medical emergencies and deaths than a woman traveling to another state to have an abortion because her state’s legislature restricted abortion where she lives but the media and Democrats will continue lying and most Americans will continue being lazy and not research the facts for themselves. Delusional!

The chaos created by Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will not be solved by “being kind”. Murderers and rapists are roaming our communities thanks to the Democrats planned invasion of our southern border. Saying these bottom feeders are seeking a better life by taking the jobs Americans refuse doesn’t change the fact they are illegally here and continue their criminal endeavors unabated across our nation. These “replacements” lack any sense of commonality with our American way of life…no problem, Kamala says “The Americas” need to be transformed because, in her words, the system is racist. Delusional!

The Evangelicals are not serving God in voting for today’s Democrat party and should not expect His mercy or blessing if they choose to vote for those who promote infanticide by means of abortion. Much as “God’s Chosen” were relegated to the wilderness due to their lawlessness, Evangelicals will face their own tribulations for scoffing at God’s will. To practice a religion when you are in disobedience is meaningless. Delusional!

Gun owners who wish to sit on the sidelines while laws are enacted that make you a felon are just plain stupid! You have the ability to remove those who wish to take your guns from you just to make you easier to control but you want to be lazy and say, “they will take my gun when they pry my cold, dead fingers from it”, knowing full well you will trade your liberty for air conditioning any day. Sadly, you could register, vote wisely and never face the wrong end of a gun, held by a guy with a badge, just “doing his job”, but you won’t. Delusional!

This election should be a Republican landslide due to the way our country has been led for the past four years. It shouldn’t be close knowing that Kamala Harris has two major character flaws that should make sane people run from everything she represents. She is undisciplined and she is lazy. Ask any of her former staffers who fled from her at an unprecedented rate due to her not doing the work and blaming everyone else for the failure. If you think Kamala Harris and the Democrats care about you I have just one word for you. Delusional!

More to come…

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