Insurrection Institutions

A sign of the times that is becoming all too frequent during the reign of the “Unity” president, I like to call “Empty Suit”, is the two different justice systems, based on your ideology, being imposed on the American masses.

The insurrections that are occurring on university campuses across the nation are a stark reminder of the treatment you will be afforded based on whether you are a liberal or a conservative. Ashli Babbitt, a U.S. veteran and an unarmed protester at the capitol on January 6th, was mercilessly gunned down by Lt. Michael Byrd in what he says, contrary to the video evidence finally presented to the masses, was a “last resort” to save “countless lives”. Although other officers were there, none felt the threat was so eminent as to require the use of deadly force to prevent ONE person from crawling through a breach in their barricade. This trigger happy “protector of the people” was fully exonerated because only one side matters today.

The American masses need to realize there is no longer equal protection under the law in these united States. From the massive, mainly “peaceful protests” during the “Summer of Love” allowed during the lockdowns of 2020 to the sham indictments of a former president while allowing the most vile, corrupt, current occupant of the White House to skate on many of the same charges as Trump is being prosecuted for, should give, even the dullest of our population, cause for concern.

Presently, all across the nation, university “students” are protesting the war in Gaza. Many of these so-called students are actually radical agitators intent on creating chaos and incitement over any perceived ideological slight, whether real or imagined. Coupled with massive financial backing of some of the most affluent individuals across the globe, and enabled by tenured professors who pressure a hive-mentality of conformity to all things, well, Un-American, these impressionable youngsters are fodder in a struggle to erase all national identity in America. If you think this doesn’t affect you and you aren’t paying for it, think again, this report shows federal taxpayers, most people reading this, shelled out over 5 BILLION dollars to Columbia University alone for the years 2018-2023.

This conduct is identical to the protest that occurred on January 6, 2021. Far from being an insurrection, the people who protested the 2020 election results they believed to be fraudulent, felt that the “Peoples’ House” was the perfect location to exercise their 1st amendment right to assemble and “peacefully protest” using the model exhibited during the BLM riots the previous year.

In a nation where laws are administered fairly and equitably, both parties would face the same consequences for their actions and have the same punishment if found guilty. With the absolute certainty of experience, I can tell you now that these university protestors will not face any repercussions due to their insurrection.

More to come…

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