Ice Cream Shakes, Media Outtakes, and Cheap Fakes

In recent days we have been told, by the mainstream talking heads, that some conservative outlets are manipulating video of Biden in an attempt to make him look, well, nearly dead from the neck up and possibly utterly dead. They all have used the term “cheap fake” and become culpable in propagating propaganda the White House issued pertaining to Joe’s deteriorating health. Marching in lockstep with the Biden administration to assure Americans that what they are seeing with their own eyes and hearing with their own ears are conservative lies.

CNN was responsible for a 90-minute livestream “cheap fake” on June 27th according to these same charlatans masquerading as journalists. To CNN’s credit, they attempted to be fair, and it was noted by Trump, how fair he was treated by the moderators during the debate. Joe, according to Obama in hindsight, just had a bad debate. Just one bad night. It happens, unfortunately for Joe, it is a recurring theme and becoming more frequent with each passing day. He is suffering from a condition that will only become increasingly pronounced as he continues to age.

The media is largely responsible for the shock experienced by most who watch only mainstream outlets because they have actively hidden Biden’s condition from the public in an attempt to keep the Democrats in power through 2028. They have lied and said Joe is at the top of his game and “F U if you can’t handle it”! Too many Democrats believe keeping control of Congress and the White House is more important than the safety and security of the American people.

After the debate Joe needed help navigating the step-down off of the stage to keep from falling. Joe told a crowd the day after the debate in North Carolina that, “I don’t speak as smoothly as I used to. I don’t debate as well as I used to. But I know what I do know — I know how to tell the truth … I know right from wrong…”. This guy wouldn’t know the truth if it bit him in the ass. Joe and Jill were happy that Hunter was sleeping with his dead brother’s wife saying, “…we are glad they found each other…” and Joe took showers with his young daughter (and no, Ashley, it isn’t ‘probably not appropriate’, but definitely inappropriate and most likely illegal)! The Biden Criminal Enterprise continues to enjoy protection from the mainstream media and the Democrat Party.

It is up to the sane voting public to save this Republic in November. Don’t let the lies and propaganda of the left obscure the fact that our nation truly is in peril and, without a major change in the leadership, is doomed. Republicans and Independents need to join in overturning the criminal Biden regime to restore the rule of law instead of lawfare in our country.

More to come…

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