…Another Way The Democrats Plan to Steal The Vote.

I told you the Dems will cheat, here is another indication they plan on rigging the election in their favor. They will pad the number of overseas ballots this year to improve the chances of them remaining in power. They are already setting up for an unprecedented overseas vote that will rival any “dead” voter results they have ever achieved.

The Democrat party is spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on the overseas vote this year. Their hope is that those who live abroad haven’t even heard of Kamala Harris and might be willing to vote for her, sight unseen. Based on numbers from 2022, there is little chance of any meaningful gains from this voting block due to the total number of citizens who reside overseas, and their voter participation rate.

2022 saw roughly 2.8 million registered voters out of the country during the midterms, and less than 100,000 cast a vote in that election. That is less than 4 percent participation rate when, at the same time, voters turned out for these midterms domestically at above 62 percent. Even with this being a presidential election, the numbers historically have only been around 10 percent greater in voter participation.

The Democrats see no problem with math here as they appear to be ready to show that the overseas U.S. population has more than tripled in the past two years. I thought the Dems have made our country such a wonderful place to be that it would be nearly impossible to have people leaving the country in such record numbers. The following excerpt from a Politico article shows how Biden’s State Department is already inflating the numbers as seen here: “The Democratic National Committee and private donors are putting more than $450,000 into a get-out-the-vote campaign aimed at reaching Americans from swing states living abroad — a number the State Department puts at nearly 9 million…”. Did someone open the world’s southern border?

The Democrat party has made a mockery of our country and our voting system and fights against every effort to increase the security of our elections. They vote against voter ID and insist on dead people staying on voter rolls across the country. The Dems will cheat, and they will do ANYTHING to win and remain in power. They will even kill a presidential candidate in the ultimate October surprise, if need be.

More to come…

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